Cover Reveal for Lawrence Schoen’s “Barsk”

Lawrence’s wonderfully mind-bending novel Barsk: The Elephant’s Graveyard is coming–the cover looks fantastic!

Barsk is here!

Barsk is Coming in December!

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Story seeds picked from the Internet chaff

I usually avoid the “Top 10 Whatever” headlines that have become mostly linkbait and generally contain little (or no!) substance. But when it comes from a fun site like Ancient Origins, it can be a great source of material for stories. I wouldn’t go to them for definitive research, but as an intriguing starting place? Absolutely. So, here are the Top 10 Archeological Discoveries of 2014.

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The 30 Sci-Fi Stories Everyone Should Read

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30 Sci-Fi Stories Everyone Should Read

This month fellow Kansans James Gunn and Chris McKitterick (renowned and gifted Science Fiction writers/scholars/professors) contributed to Popular Mechanic’s recent list of the top 30 must read stories in the genre.

While not all of them are all-time classic SF must-reads (although Jim and Chris’ picks are totally spot on perfect), they are all super reads and worth checking out.  You can’t go wrong with any of them.  And, if for no other reason, the cover art is worth a gander since they are the original artwork from the first editions – many of which are over 50 years old.  Great art and literature is timeless!


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Why Today’s Inventors Need to Read More Science Fiction

“Reading science fiction is like an ethics class for inventors, and engineers and designers should be trying to think like science fiction authors when they approach their own work. ”

For me, THIS is one of the great powers of speculative thinking.

And this article is one of the reasons I enjoy the Atlantic. Long, but worth it.

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Profile of a Pioneer: Science Fiction, Software, & 49 Years’ Innovating

An interesting article about Dana Paxson, a long-time IT professional and industry “outsider” who is trying to change the way science fiction is produced and consumed.  And, it blends a story about a guy who builds art from found things with a guy who can read octal as if it were plaintext–a Noble Fusion.

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6-Word Science Fiction Short Stories

Writing science-fiction and fantasy is a specialized form of literary art that is at the far right of the “inspiring and thought-provoking” bell curve.  The short-story is an art form all of it’s own and demands a steady and trained hand.  Combining the two is down right daunting and one of the most noble and rewarding challenges of all.  We are fans.

But a good science fiction/fantasy/horror short story written with only 6 words leaves us speechless.

So for your pleasure, Wired Magazine commissioned 6-word short stories from some of the best talent: Joss Whedon, Eileen Gunn, William Shatner and more.  This was published quite some time ago, but since time is a construct for the mind we decided to post this anyway.  Enjoy!

Posted in Being a Writer | 1 Comment

Kim Stanley Robinson interview — The Atlantic

Wanted to share a great interview with KSR about his new novel 2312 and his writing process.  I love the description of his work as “These books are the gold-standard of realistic, and highly literary, science-fiction writing.” … something I’d love to have said about anything we produce! In any case, it’s a worthwhile read.


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Welcome to our site.  Come on in, we’ve done a lot with the place, you are going to love it! Here is some of what you will find in and around our digital house:

  • Creative Writing – we are all writers and experienced in live and remote workshop sessions.  Resources and amazing authors abound, go to our Members tab.
  • Artwork – many of us are artists and our media spans pretty much everything including finger paint (except for maybe sculpture, but someone is probably dabbling in that right now just because we posted this).  Again, go to each Member’s tab.
  • Publishing – digital and print, ayup, we have it!  NobleFusion Press is new, but our experience is not.  There are several publishers here, so don’t be shy.
  • Blogs – all kinds of ‘em, and cookie crumb trails to a wide world of content and people whose words you will want to follow.  Click through to our writer’s pages and see for yourself.

Are you a first time visitor to our site?  Huzzah!  Welcome.  Something led you here and whatever it was, we are pretty sure that you will find what you are looking for.  You might even find something you didn’t know you were looking for but are damn glad you stopped by and found it.  And if you don’t see what you need – EMAIL US or leave a comment.  You really will get a reply, and maybe more than just one!  We are always looking to add new talent to our workshops and creative endeavors and we delight in supporting the writing community at large and authors in particular.  Many of us are artists as well as authors so you are not alone.

If you have been here before, welcome back – have fun looking around.  You will see new faces and exciting new successes for almost all our writers.  After two decades of collaboration across digital and physical boundaries, we now have all the social media and digital resources at our fingertips that you would expect.  And it’s current.  It’s never been easier to workshop with writers across the country virtually or in person if you happen to be in the vicinity of our very mobile and diverse group.


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